Monday, 2 April 2018

Procedural Reading Activities by Rose

Procedural reading is practically learning to read and follow instructions. Yesterday we made a hacky sack out of rice and balloons! What we did was put the rice into one of the balloons then put loads of other balloons over the top. It was so fun because it was super easy and only used two things. The day before that we made friendship bracelets using only thick coloured cotton and tape to hold it to the table. Then we chose what type of bracelet we wanted to make then we followed the instructions to weave and knot the string together. Next we did Paper Weaving! We cut stips of paper alll the same width and length. Then we followed the instructions to weave the paper together to make a small A4-sized piece of coloured, stripy paper. You could also do this with flax like the Maori tradition but we didn't have any flax. Last but not least, Room 11 made a paper heart basket. It was kind of like the paper weaving but a LOT harder. First you had to do a little bit of weaving and folding (which was REALLY HARD) then we did some hard stuff and it turned into a woven paper heart basket!

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